“We love to work with young scientists from primary school through college students and pass on our knowledge and give back to youth.
We were challenged by a senior manager with one of the top Laboratory Automation manufacturers as to the ease and applicability of our GLH QC Cal Kit. This video was previewed with their used instrument at our SLAS 2018 exhibit floor. As a result, we had one of our young scientists take the challenge. Lucas does a great job demonstrating the application and how it helps him with pipetting and liquid handling.
In this video you see a seven-year-old scientist demonstrating how easy it is to use the QC kit. The young scientist learned how to pipette reproducibly. This video led the path for many young scientists. “
Young Scientist Shows How Easy It at SLAS2018
We are an educational distributor for K-12 and college programs supplying educational science lab equipment and teacher resources.
If you have a school or student interested in being sponsored or taking an educational challenge or in need of learning more about science please contact us.